Looking to Christ After a Miscarriage

On a Friday evening in September, I showed my husband my positive pregnancy test I had taken. Words cannot describe how overwhelmed we were by God’s love and faithfulness. Even though I wasn’t far along, we decided to go ahead and tell our family and friends about our little blessing that would arrive in June 2017. We wanted everyone to rejoice with us while we rejoiced.

From the moment I had found out I was pregnant; I became anxious to meet the little baby who the Lord had blessed us with. I couldn’t wait to be able to hold him or her in my arms and to kiss his or her little face. I had already been sharing names with my husband, and was so eager to find out if it was a boy or girl. We grew to love our baby more and more each day.

At my first appointment, my husband and I were excited to hear our baby’s heartbeat and to get our first picture of our little one. During the sonogram, we heard the words that we didn’t want to hear, “I don’t hear a heartbeat.” The room was silent, and my heart sank realizing we may have lost our baby. The doctor wanted us to come back three days later to see if there had been any changes to either me or the baby. I was eight weeks pregnant, and at the next appointment it was confirmed that my baby’s heart was no longer beating. Soon after the doctor visit, I experienced the physical part my body was going through of passing our child.

That whole week was a blur as we mourned the loss of our little one. My heart was broken with tears streaming for a baby that caused me so much joy in such a short time, that I would never get to hold. Many people had been praying for us during that week, and as much as we wanted people to rejoice when we found out I was pregnant, we also wanted people to mourn with us of the loss of baby June Bug. My husband came up with that precious name since our little one was supposed to born in June.

Weeks have gone by and even though my heart still aches; I’m grateful that God hears my cries, and that He is patient and compassionate with my hurting heart. He chose me to be the mother of my child for eight weeks. He chose for my husband and I to learn to walk together through this storm. God chose for us to walk through sorrow together, and to proclaim His greatness even through our pain.

I am thankful that we have a God who walks alongside us far beyond the meals, sympathy cards, and words of encouragement stop. I praise Him for being a God who is close to the broken hearted, and that we can hold tightly to Him without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promises. God sees our heartache and is able to heal, comfort, strengthen and give again in His own perfect timing and way. My prayer is that God will continue to fill my husband and I completely with joy and peace because we trust in Him. That His unfailing love would surround us for our hope is in Him alone.